Results for 'G. A. Fletcher'

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  1.  6
    Notes on Ammianus Marcellinus.G. A. Fletcher - 1930 - Classical Quarterly 24 (3-4):193-197.
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  2.  30
    Was Persius not a 'micher'?G. B. A. Fletcher - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (05):167-168.
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  3.  12
    Ammianus Marcellinus und Solinus.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1936 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 91 (1-4):478-478.
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  4.  28
    More Notes on Lewis and Short.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (05):165-166.
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  5.  32
    More Livy not in the Lexica.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):165-.
    Professor W. B. Anderson'S paper ‘Livy and the Lexica’ in C.Q. XXV., 1931, pp. 38–48, prompts me to put together from my notes this further list of words and idioms used by Livy but not recorded in the lexica as Livian. With one or two clearly indicated exceptions, I have included nothing which is given in Lewis and Short, Forcellini-Corradini-Perin or Georges, and I have included nothing in which Mr. Anderson has anticipated me, except that in a few places I (...)
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  6.  16
    Latin Marginalia.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (1):49-51.
  7.  47
    (1 other version)Correspondence.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (01):46-.
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    Matters of Sound in Greek and Latin Authors.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (05):164-165.
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  9.  32
    (1 other version)Tacitea.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1943 - Classical Quarterly 36 (3-4):90-.
    Annals, i. 31. 4: ‘implere ceterorum rudes animos: uenisse tempus quo…’. Implore has been suspected and impellere has been suggested. Andresen says ‘implere… womit, zeigen die folgenden Reden. Curt. x. 1. 28 credulas regis aures implebat’. The passage of Curtius continues not with an accusative and infinitive but with the words dissitnulans causam irae. A better defence is to be seen in Livy, xlv. 31. 6.
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  10.  31
    On Valerius Flaccus.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (01):14-.
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  11.  28
    Remarks on the New Liddell and Scott.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):82-84.
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  12.  70
    Some New Texts of Cicero M. Tulli Ciceronis scripta quae manserunt omnia. Vol. VI, 1. Oratio de Imperio Cn. Pompei: recognouit P. Reis; orationes pro A. Cluentio, de Lege Agraria, pro C. Rabirio perduellionis reo: recognouit L. Fruechtel. Pp. xiv + 247. Vol. VI, 2. Orationes in L. Catilinam IV, pro Archia poeta: recognouit P. Reis; orationes pro L. Murena, pro Sulla: recognouit H. Kasten; oratio pro L. Flacco: recognouit L. Fruechtel. Pp. xxx + 256. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.) Leipzig: Teubner, 1933. Paper, RM. 8 and 8.40 (bound, 9.20 and 9.60). Cicéron: Traité du Destin. Texte établi et traduit par A. Yon. Pp. lxiv+72. (Collection des Universites de France.) Paris: 'Les Belles Lettres,' 1933. Paper, 12 frs. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (04):135-136.
  13.  59
    Nux Elegia. Doctoral Dissertation by Sjoerd Wartena. Pp. 106. Groningen: P. Noordhoff, 1928.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (04):153-.
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  14.  37
    Notes on Ammianus Marcellinus.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1930 - Classical Quarterly 24 (3-4):193-.
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  15.  47
    Xenophon of Ephesus I. 4, 5.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):174-175.
  16.  45
    A mechanism of implicit lexicalized phonological recoding used concurrently with underdeveloped explicit letter-sound skills in both precocious and normal reading development.Claire M. Fletcher-Flinn & G. Brian Thompson - 2004 - Cognition 90 (3):303-335.
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  17.  68
    Cicero on Friendship Cicéron: L'Amitié. Texte établi et traduit par L. Laurand. Pp. xxvi + 110. Paris: 'Les Belles Lettres,' 1928. Paper, 12 fr. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (04):143-144.
  18.  65
    Speeches of Cicero Cicero: Pro Lege Manilla, Pro Caecina, Pro Cluentio, Pro Rabirio Perduellionis. With an English translation by H. Grose Hodge. Pp. xii+496. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1927. Cloth, 10s. net; leather, 12s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (06):236-.
  19.  80
    De M. Tullii Ciceroni's Polilica Doctrina.Doctoral dissertation by K. Sprey presented in the University of Amsterdam, December 21, 1928. Pp. 263. Zutphen : N. V. Nauta & Co's Drukkerij. Paper, 4 fl. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):202-.
  20.  40
    The Loeb Celsus - Celsus De Medicina. With an English translation by W. G. Spencer. In three volumes. 1 II [Books V-VI], pp. lxvii, 291. III [Books VII-VIII], pp. v, 292–649. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1938. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6 d.) each. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (1):31-32.
  21.  36
    Seneca's Dialogues - Seneca's Dialogues I, II, VII, VIII, IX, X (Miscellaneous Moral Essays). The Text Emended and Explained by William Hardy Alexander. (University of California Publications in Classical Philology, Volume XIII, no. 3, pp. 49–92.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1945. Paper, 50 cents. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (01):38-.
  22.  49
    P. De Jonge: Sprachlicher und historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus XIV. 1–7. Pp. 149. Groningen: Wolters, 1935. Paper. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (04):150-.
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    The Loeb Ammianus - Ammianus Marcellinus. With an English translation by J. C. Rolfe. In three volumes. II. [Books XX–XXVI.] Pp. viii + 683; portrait, page 2 s of illustrations, 2 maps. London: Heinemann, 1937. Cloth, 10s. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (2):71.
  24. Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Frances P. Lawrenz, Charles A. Nelson, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Mildred K. Cho, Ellen Wright Clayton, Joel G. Fletcher, Michael K. Georgieff, Dale Hammerschmidt, Kathy Hudson, Judy Illes, Vivek Kapur, Moira A. Keane, Barbara A. Koenig, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Elizabeth G. McFarland, Jordan Paradise, Lisa S. Parker, Sharon F. Terry, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):219-248.
    No consensus yet exists on how to handle incidental fnd-ings in human subjects research. Yet empirical studies document IFs in a wide range of research studies, where IFs are fndings beyond the aims of the study that are of potential health or reproductive importance to the individual research participant. This paper reports recommendations of a two-year project group funded by NIH to study how to manage IFs in genetic and genomic research, as well as imaging research. We conclude that researchers (...)
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  25.  31
    The Toledo Ms. of Plutarch's Moralia.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (3-4):166-.
    It seems worth while giving some account of this MS., because in recent years it has been said to contain certain pieces of the Moralia which it does not, and not to contain others which it does. At the foot of the first page of the text the MS. carries the pontifical shield with the arms of the Medici, and from this it is reasonable to suppose that there was a time when it belonged either to Leo X., who was (...)
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  26. Seneca's Suasoriae- The Suasoriae of Seneca the Elder. Introductory Essay, Text, Translation and Explanatory Notes by William A. Edward, M.A., D.Litt. Pp. xlvii + 160. Cambridge: University Press, 1928. Cloth, 12s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (1):37-38.
  27.  40
    Teaching Ethical Reasoning.G. Fletcher Linder, Allison J. Ames, William J. Hawk, Lori K. Pyle, Keston H. Fulcher & Christian E. Early - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):147-170.
    This article presents evidence supporting the claim that ethical reasoning is a skill that can be taught and assessed. We propose a working definition of ethical reasoning as 1) the ability to identify, analyze, and weigh moral aspects of a particular situation, and 2) to make decisions that are informed and warranted by the moral investigation. The evidence consists of a description of an ethical reasoning education program—Ethical Reasoning in Action —designed to increase ethical reasoning skills in a variety of (...)
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  28.  43
    Assonances or Plays on Words in Tacitus.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (04):184-187.
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  29.  54
    Some Certain or Possible Examples of Literary Reminiscence in Tacitus.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1945 - The Classical Review 59 (02):45-50.
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  30.  44
    The Loeb Ammianus Ammianus Marcellinus. With an English translation by J. C. Rolfe. In three volumes. III. [Books XXVIIXXXI and Excerpta Valesiana.] Pp. ix+602; portrait, 2 maps. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1939. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):193-195.
  31.  32
    The Teubner Quintilian M. Fabi Quintiliani Institutionis Oratoriae Libri XII. Edidit Ludovicus Radermacher. Pars secunda libros VII-XII continens. Pp. xii+454. (Bibl. Script. Gr. et Rom. Teubn.) Leipzig: Teubner, 1935. Paper, RM. 11.60 (bound, 13). [Book X separately (1936): stiff paper, (export price) RM. 1.05.]. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (06):232-.
  32.  91
    Missouri Studies Philological Studies in Honor of Walter Miller. Edited by R. P. Robinson. (University of Missouri Studies, Volume XI, number 3.) Pp. 190; 13 plates. Columbia: University of Missouri, 1936. $1.25. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1945 - The Classical Review 59 (02):77-78.
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    S. Blomgren: De sermone Ammiani Marcellini quaestiones uariae. Pp. 185. (Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift 1937: 6.) Uppsala: Lundequist. Paper, Kr. 5, 75. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (01):55-56.
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  34.  47
    Seneca de Beneficiis Sénèque, Des Bienfaits. Tome II. Texte établi et traduit par Francois Préchac. Pp. 224. Paris: 'Les Belles Lettres,' 1927. Paper, 18 f. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (01):38-39.
  35.  15
    Autistic People's Access to Bilingualism and Additional Language Learning: Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators for Equal Opportunities.Rachael Davis, Sue Fletcher-Watson & Bérengère G. Digard - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Bilingualism is a valuable tool that enriches and facilitates cultural, social and lived experiences for autistic and non-autistic people alike. Research consistently finds no negative effects of bilingualism and highlights the potential for positive effects across cognitive and socio-cultural domains for autistic and non-autistic children. Yet parents of autistic children remain concerned that bilingualism will cause delays in both cognitive and language development and are still frequently advised by practitioners to raise their child monolingually. Evidently, findings from research are not (...)
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  36.  38
    Persius Translated The Satires of A. Persius Flaccus. Rendered into English verse with an introduction and notes by Jonathan Tate. Pp. 68. Oxford: Blackwell, 1930. Cloth, 4s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):147-148.
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  37.  57
    Ammianus Marcellinus P. de Jonge: Sprachlicher und historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus XIV. 7–11. Pp. 148. Groningen: Wolters, 1939. Stiff paper, f. 3.50. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1945 - The Classical Review 59 (02):67-68.
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  38.  46
    J. Braune: Nonnos und Ovid. Pp. 41. (Greifswalder Beiträge zur Literatur- und Stilforschung, Heft 11.) Greifswald: Dallmeyer, 1935. Paper. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (06):239-.
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  39.  54
    Seneca: Moral Essays. With an English translation by John W. Basore. (Loeb Classical Library.) In three volumes. Vol. II. Pp. xi + 496. London: Heinemann, 1932. Cloth, 10s. net; leather, 12s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]G. B. A. Fletcher - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (06):275-276.
  40.  27
    Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice.Hassan Siddiki, J. G. Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel & Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):320-331.
    Incidental fndings of potential medical signifcance are seen in approximately 5-8 percent of asymptomatic subjects and 16 percent of symptomatic subjects participating in large computed tomography colonography studies, with the incidence varying further by CT acquisition technique. While most CTC research programs have a well-defned plan to detect and disclose IFs, such plans are largely communicated only verbally. Written consent documents should also inform subjects of how IFs of potential medical signifcance will be detected and reported in CTC research studies.
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  41.  47
    Greater Repertoire and Temporal Variability of Cross-Frequency Coupling (CFC) Modes in Resting-State Neuromagnetic Recordings among Children with Reading Difficulties.Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Nikolaos A. Laskaris, Panagiotis G. Simos, Jack M. Fletcher & Andrew C. Papanicolaou - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42.  36
    Ethical discourses for and against doping in sport philosophy.Douglas Hochstetler, G. Fletcher Linder & Jason Ball - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (3):515-538.
    Sport doping is not a recent phenomenon. Athletes have used many forms of performance enhancements going back to antiquity. Within the sport philosophy literature, sport doping is entangled in a multitude of ethical discourses, some denouncing, and some supporting, doping in sport. Our aim is to use a systematic approach to classify ethical discourses put forward by scholars focused on doping. To take stock of these ethical discourses, and to advance the sport philosophy literature on doping, this paper provides an (...)
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  43.  52
    G. B. A. Fletcher: Annotations on Tacitus. (Collection Latomus, lxxi.) Pp. 106. Brussels: Latomus, 1964. Paper, 160 Wellesley - 1965 - The Classical Review 15 (1):124-124.
  44.  39
    Ethical Issues in Intraoperative Neuroscience Research: Assessing Subjects’ Recall of Informed Consent and Motivations for Participation.Anna Wexler, Rebekah J. Choi, Ashwin G. Ramayya, Nikhil Sharma, Brendan J. McShane, Love Y. Buch, Melanie P. Donley-Fletcher, Joshua I. Gold, Gordon H. Baltuch, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):57-66.
    BackgroundAn increasing number of studies utilize intracranial electrophysiology in human subjects to advance basic neuroscience knowledge. However, the use of neurosurgical patients as human research subjects raises important ethical considerations, particularly regarding informed consent and undue influence, as well as subjects’ motivations for participation. Yet a thorough empirical examination of these issues in a participant population has been lacking. The present study therefore aimed to empirically investigate ethical concerns regarding informed consent and voluntariness in Parkinson’s disease patients undergoing deep brain (...)
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  45.  44
    A critique of Joseph Fletcher's situation ethics in the light of Christian ethical principle.E. C. Ekeke & G. U. Ntamu - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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  46.  59
    Systematic Genealogies in Apollodorus' Bibliotheca and the Exclusion of Rome from Greek Myth.K. F. B. Fletcher - 2008 - Classical Antiquity 27 (1):59-91.
    Apollodorus' Bibliotheca is often used, though little studied. Like any author, however, Apollodorus has his own aims. As scholars have noticed, he does not include any discussion of Rome and rarely mentions Italy, an absence they link to tendencies of the Second Sophistic, during which period he was writing. I refine this view by exploring the nature of Apollodorus' project as a whole, showing that he creates a system of genealogies that connects Greece with other places and peoples of the (...)
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  47.  23
    The State of Research Ethics: A Tribute to John C. Fletcher.F. G. Miller & J. D. Moreno - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (4):355-364.
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  48. Mill, Moore, and Intrinsic Value.Guy Fletcher - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (4):517-32.
    In this paper, I examine how philosophers before and after G. E. Moore understood intrinsic value. The main idea I wish to bring out and defend is that Moore was insufficiently attentive to how distinctive his conception of intrinsic value was, as compared with those of the writers he discussed, and that such inattentiveness skewed his understanding of the positions of others that he discussed and dismissed. My way into this issue is by examining the charge of inconsistency that Moore (...)
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  49.  30
    Walter Fletcher, F. G. Hopkins, and the Dunn Institute of Biochemistry: A Case Study in the Patronage of Science.Robert Kohler - 1978 - Isis 69 (3):331-355.
  50.  16
    Response to F.G. Miller and J.D. Moreno, “The State of Research Ethics: A Tribute to John C. Fletcher”.H. M. Evans - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (4):372-375.
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